Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Simulation Bleed

After a long holiday, Mixt, Nakishdan and Rainith return to action in Simulation Bleed, my online serial. It was a longer holiday than I anticipated, but now they're back, ready for action. Rainith the Red, last seen falling from the sky after being defeated in combat, is temporarily putting to one side her ambition of attending the first Sex Pistols gig in 1975. She's returning to the present, to hunt down the Elf who defeated her, and kill him at the first opportunity. Rainith is generally an angry fairy, and her mood has now become a lot worse. Nakishdan, meanwhile, is recovering from his own wounds, resting on his new kawaii pillows in Mixt's London mansion.

Simulation Bleed is on my website here, in a new mobile-friendly layout. I posted two new chapters, 133 and 134, on the 28th September.

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