Unfortunately, as was soon pointed out to me, Piatkus weren't the only people who liked the cover image. So did the designers who produced this -
Well that seemed bad, two books with the same cover image. By the time anyone realised, it was too late to do anything about it. The books were all printed and on their way to the shops. After making enquiries, my publisher learned that external freelancer who designed the cover had used a royalty-free stock image, unknown to them. That was very unfortunate, but there was nothing to do but accept it and move on. Because after all, it's just one of those things.
Well actually, it now turns out to be just two of those things. Witness the third exhibit -
Yes, here we have a third book, using the same cover image. As Madeline puts it on my Facebook page, epic fail. I must admit to feeling quite humiliated about this. And slightly worried about how many other books might turn up with the same image. It's probably lurking on the desks of other cover designers right now, and they're all about to use it. Soon it will be advertising cornflakes. But perhaps I should actually encourage other publishers to use the picture. We might set some sort of record.
Am now off to slump on the couch and play Final fantasy 13. I didn't intend to buy this game, but at the Supermarket they put it in a rack that was right beside me when I was queuing up to pay for my food. So really they tricked me into buying it. I had no choice. I was powerless to just stand in the queue and not put it in my basket.
woo - will curse of the wolf girl have the same problem? if maneater III has same cover as that then clearly someone is a martin millar fan (and quite right too)
ReplyDeleteNo, Curse of the Wolf Girl uses a copyrighted image, so it won't happen again. (I hope)
ReplyDeleteShame - but not really embarrassing for you. You didn't know did you? (I'm looking forward to the cornflake pack though)
ReplyDeleteI mean to take a photo of the two books on the WHS bookshelf for you (but I'm sure you've seen them!)
I was hoping the second book would have a similar cover image to the Lonely Werewolf Girl cover I have. I rather liked it.
Thanks again. Great book.
I'd like to see the picture, Maggie. I have a strange liking for pictures of my books in shops.
ReplyDeleteIf I find your book in a local shop, I'll take a pic. I'll probably have to break down and either order online or drive an hour away to look for it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, personally, I prefer the cover art on the original edition of LWG, which is the one I own. Actually I kinda love it...along with everything about that book.
I'm roughly half way through CotWG now. Fantastic stuff! I can't get enough of Kalix and co.
It happens more than you might think - look here: http://causticcovercritic.blogspot.com/search/label/One%20Image%20Many%20Covers
ReplyDeleteI think you should let that blogger know about your book cover and you might get a bit of publicity!
oops, here is the link again: http://causticcovercritic.blogspot.com/search/label/One%20Image%20Many%20Covers
ReplyDeleteAh, but Martin, lots of beautiful leather-clad gothic women read books about vampires and probably, soon, by the power of image-association, will be knocking at your door demanding uncomplicated sex and tea. Never fear. Good will come of this!
ReplyDeleteHi Sammi. You think that beautiful leather-clad gothic women will soon be knocking at my door demanding uncomplicated sex and tea? OK, I'm off to put the kettle on right now.
ReplyDeleteAnne, that's an interesting site. It's slightly re-assuring to see other books all with covers similar to each other. And you're right, i should let that blogger know, for some publicity. Though it might seem a little nakedly publicity-seeking were I to actually alert him.
ReplyDeleteOuch. And on top of it, Final Fantasy XIII? That game nearly drove me away from videogames, it's so pretty but so deathly dull. I hear it picks up about 30 hours in but I couldn't make my way through the 20 hour tutorial.
ReplyDeleteI am having difficulties with Final Fantasy XIII. It does seem very dull so far. I'm carrying on, hoping it will improve, though I suspect it might also become too complicated.
ReplyDeleteLooking at this blog, I just realised that I have that Prey by Thomas Emson! I bought it after finishing LWG and I was waiting for CFTWG to come out. I didn't even notice that it had the same cover! What is wrong with my brain sometimes!
ReplyDeletebtw, I noticed that comment above about you liking pictures of your books in shops. When I go into town in the week I'll pop into the shop where I got LWG and COTWG and snap one for you.