Saturday, April 02, 2022

Thraxas Book 12 – Thraxas Meets His Enemies

Thraxas Book 12 – Thraxas Meets His Enemies  – has now been published as a paperback. You can order it from Amazon and also from bookshops in the UK and US. The ebook will be available in about a week.  ISBN  979-8421592259
Amazon UK  ––  Amazon US 

'Sources at the Palace indicate that a very large sum of money in the form of gold bullion has disappeared from the Palace vaults. This was earmarked for the purchase of food and is a terrible loss to a city already on the brink of starvation. The whole affair smacks of corruption at the highest levels. Our revered War Leader Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky, is of course beyond suspicion but the sad truth is she's surrounded by a coterie of very dubious characters including assassins, degenerate sorcerers, half-Orcish ruffians and several shady figures from the lower depths of Turanian society. Our readers will be amazed to learn that among these figures is Thraxas, about whom the Chronicle has had reason to warn the city before. As the food intended for our starving population disappears to the Simnian, Samsarinan and Niojan encampments, many curious glances will be cast towards the Mistress of the Sky, wondering why her most trusted companions all seem to be characters of the very lowest repute…'


  1. Hey Martin, why has the Ebook been delayed by a week?

  2. My fault. They're published through different channels and I failed to co-ordinate it properly. Not too long to wait, however.

    1. Waiting patiently for the ebook then :)

      Back in the day you said that the big Thraxas hiatus was due to issues with the publisher. Are you happy with self-publishing? Does it take too much time to set up across multiple platforms?

    2. Self-publishing Thraxas has worked out well. Paperbacks are easy enough to do but ebooks are more difficult as various sellers use different ebook formats.

  3. I was just casually checking your blog as I do once every couple of months. New Thraxas book, YAAAAY

    1. I'll try and write the next one quicker!
