Gloom settled in this week after Arsenal's defeat at Middlesbrough. It was the culmination of a series of poor performances, not helped by all our best players being injured. But the other players should have done better anyway.

Making things worse, an unexpected biscuit crisis arises. Or cookie crisis, depending on where you're reading this. Very mysteriously, hobnobs have disappeared from the local supermarket. I'm baffled. And perturbed. Hobnobs form part of my staple diet. I need regular tea and biscuits to keep on writing. This could delay my next book by months. Years possibly.
They still stock chocolate hobnobs, but I don't eat them, I need the plain variety. What can have happened? I wasn't expecting a biscuit shortage; sometimes it seems like you just can't depend on anything.
Well, with work grinding to a halt here, I better just plug some friends -
Ivy Webb's new CDNext Door But One's new music
Sammi's fiction magazine, Neonbeam.
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