Thursday, February 05, 2015

Thraxas and the Oracle

Thraxas and the Oracle has now been released. This ebook is the tenth in the Thraxas series. I've managed this one rather quicker than the last. It should be available at all ebook-sellers. (As with all the Thraxas novels now, this is an ebook only.)

Thraxas and Makri are heading back to Turai. Thraxas finds himself in the unusual position of having some responsibility, being made a captain in the army. He doesn't mind the responsibility, though it does interfere with his continual desire for beer, which is frustrating for him. Makri is keen to go into battle, but she suffers the misfortune of meeting her old Elvish lover, something she finds quite unsettling.

You can buy it here -


  1. I'm eager to read this.

    I'd also love to hear what Thraxas would say about Makri being on the cover of all these books that are supposed to be about him.

    1. He'd probably be annoyed! Abusive, even.

  2. Thomas9:47 am

    You hade me at "THRAX.."

  3. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Congratulations! You've really kept up the quality of the series over all ten books... From the first page, I was drawn in again.

  4. I just rushed through "Thraxas and the Oracle" and can't believe it is already over again :( . It always feels like meeting old friends, when I read another Thraxas book and it is one of the few series that kept my attention over the years. Overall I think that all Thraxas novels are not popular enough and are undeservedly overlooked. Just imagine an TV series or anime with Thraxas, Makri and company >.< . The only thing I can do now is waiting impatiently for the next installment and wish you the best of luck for the future :)

    1. Thanks Haddo, I appreciate your message. I am writing another Thraxas book at the moment. I don't know when this will be ready, but it's time to get Thraxas back to Turai.

    2. Hey Martin, how is Thraxas 11 progressing, do we get to read it soon?

    3. Sorry, this is still some way off. I've been too busy with other things, which is annoying. But it will happen.

  5. Anonymous7:16 pm

    hi several errors spotted in the ebook. i'm sure you've spotted them by now. Happy to proof next issue, gratis since i think this series is worthy. Or considet getting them proofed by someone at least. good luck anyway and thanks. tao

  6. Hey Martin, any ETA on the next Thraxas book?

  7. Thanks for another excellent read. I just read all ten books over the last two weeks. It's been a great two weeks.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you liked the books. I'm behind schedule with the next one, but it will come out next year.

  8. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Even in Russia, waiting for the continuation of your books ... Ice Dragon and the oracle were beautiful (Sincerely, Vasily from Moscow)

    1. Yep, we Russian readers are not numerous but most devoted :)

      By the way, it's already 2017, any news about book 11 so far?

  9. I need more Thraxas :(

  10. Anonymous4:33 am

    It's getting bad...went to Wikipedia just to read something new on Thraxas before starting the series over for the 6th time...feed me...
